Why TriLinc?

  • With an average of 30 years’ experience, the senior management team of TriLinc has overseen and operated over $50 billion in investor funds including multi-manager and global strategies across various asset classes, geographies, and industries.1
  • TriLinc has assembled a team of highly experienced investment partners whose principals have collectively deployed more than $44 billion in developing economy debt transactions.2
  • TriLinc employs a disciplined, repeatable investment process that utilizes the regional, country and local market expertise of their investment partners to provide unique access to specialized impact investment opportunities

Read more on TriLinc's Investment Partners.

1Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
2As of 12/31/21. Investment Partner track record is reported to TriLinc at the time of engagement and confirmed and/or updated periodically thereafter. Transaction experience includes transactions by the Investment Partner’s products or personnel that align with TriLinc’s investment strategy but not necessarily solely in connection with TriLinc products or transactions. TriLinc may add or remove Investment Partners at its discretion. Investment Partners’ past performance is not indicative of future results.